With Click-A-Brick™ children can learn at their own pace. We live in a fast-paced society, where a lot of children's learning takes place in an environment that has some amount of pressure. Even from a young age there are time constraints, deadlines, and a need to get it right. At least this is how it is in schooling.
In a lot of ways, this is how is has to be, simply so that children start to understand the pressures involved in a typical job role. Deadlines and quality control are a part of life, but children are not always so concerned with getting everything strictly right, as much as they are with exploring all possibilities. It is this that makes a child's mind so innocently intelligent. The freedom to explore.
We have nothing against schooling here at Click-A-Brick™, and it is not our intention to slander the high pressure type of learning. We are simply interested in all types of learning and development, and we think it is important for you and your child to find a good balance.
Children learn well when they are free to learn at their own pace. That way they can make it fun, learn for longer, absorb what they are learning, and develop their own style. It is important for children therefore, to have some time, and some toys, which can enable them to take part in informal learning through play.
Puzzles, coloring and maths books, science kits, and block toys, are just a few of the ways that your child might enjoy a more relaxed learning. Relaxation allows the brain to learn more readily, absorbing and integrating information, and finding solutions faster than if it were put under direct pressure. And it's way more fun to relax.
Why not allow your children more time for relaxed learning? Recognize that your child has enough pressured learning already, and that allowing them to learn at their own pace will help them to develop, without them experiencing any stress, and with maximum enjoyment.
Click-A-Brick™ is a highly educational toy that can benefit your child's social, cognitive, and emotional development, enhancing problem solving and imagination, and providing hours of fun. Your child can build the designs from our instructions, or create their own marvel, and then revel in their self-created world. So allow your children to learn at their own pace with Click-A-Brick™.