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The founders of the educational toy company Click-A-Brick laud the Wonder Workshop. The Wonder Workshop produces toys that teach children coding skills through play. They aim to empower children by fostering the ability to question, think, and create. The Wonder Workshop believes that coding skills enables creativity and agency. The Co-Founder of Click-A-Brick, Jason Smith, commends their efforts. “When children learn how to code, they can become shapers of their own world,” Smith said. “They learn to take control of their actions and their environment. I admire what they’re doing....

Wading into the debate about gender specific toys, Click-A-Brick co-founders Georg de Gorostiza and Jason Smith say they believe parents should listen to what their kids want in terms of the toys they buy. Further to that, the pair say they want parents to view the company’s latest offering, the recently released Click-A-Brick Army Defenders 100pc Educational Toys Building Blocks Set for Boys and Girls, as a toy that is just as viable for girls as it is for boys. The debate about whether or not companies should design and...