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Renting Building Blocks? Wha?!?!?

Building block toy for boys and girls

When you think about things you can rent, building blocks don’t immediately come to mind. Like, you don’t pay money just to keep building blocks temporarily and then give them back when you’re done playing with them … right?

But, you totally can! It’s the 21st century, after all. Why not rent instead of buy?

Let’s face it: certain types of building blocks *cough* Lego *cough* are a little on the pricey side. Like, we’re not saying they’re overly expensive or anything, but sometimes they’re as much as a car payment if you want to get one of the sets based on a big movie.

Okay, so we’re calling them expensive.

But, now some companies are combating the prohibitively expensive prices of the top building block brand by allowing people to rent the blocks for a short time. This way, parents can rent the blocks, let their kids play with them for a month or whatever, and when the kids get tired of them, the parents just ship them back.

No accumulating millions of blocks, no paying crazy prices for a toy just because it’s associated with a movie, no playing with them for a while and getting tired of them and having them sit around unused forever.

One such building block rental place is the United Kingdom’s Build UR Bricks. The website allows customers to rent the latest Lego sets for about £10 or £25 per month depending on the size of the set. They come with the original instructions and are sanitized between rentals.

Ash Jey is a co-founder of Build UR Bricks and he said this about starting the service:

“… Many parents are happy to fork out for the toy brick sets. However, with new sets coming in all the time, it soon becomes expensive to keep up with. Build UR Bricks successfully solves this problem. Build UR Bricks is set to revolutionize the way children and families play and dissolve the financial pressure parents are under to constantly update toy collections.”

We totally agree! Another way you can save money on building blocks is by buying more affordable ones like Click-A-Brick. You get all the fun, but you save money!

