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Christmas is coming! It’s almost here! Pretty soon the reindeer will be zooming across the sky pulling the sleigh with the jolly guy and the sack full of toys. As much as we love Christmas, we have to acknowledge something: It creates a lot of waste. The wrapping paper alone is quite wasteful and then there are all those Christmas flyers and catalogs. What if we told you that you could recycle all those glossy toy catalogs and make amazing Christmas decorations with them? Isn’t that great? You don’t just need...

It’s less than a month from Christmas and you know what that means … toys toys toys! And more toys! And even more toys! And even more toys than that! So many toys you’re drowning in them! According to clinical psychologist Christopher Willard, the United States has three percent of the world’s children, but it has 40% of the world’s toys. And kids in the US receive 70 new toys per year on average. We’re no math experts, but we did some calculations and ... that’s crazy! With so many...