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The team at building block toy company Click-A-Brick is excited about new research that has the potential to help children become more accepting of people from different races and cultures, in turn helping them become more accepting of immigrant classmates. Psychologists from public research university Goldsmiths, University of London plan to study whether British schoolchildren become more accepting to the idea of forming a friendship with an immigrant classmate after playing with toys that represent different ethnic backgrounds. Dr Sian Jones and Professor Adam Rutland aim to spend a year...

The team at learning toy company Click-A-Brick is thrilled to see the discovery of a bacteria that eats plastic and has been touted by scientists as a potential new way to recycle plastic waste, saying any company that uses plastic in its products should be happy with the discovery. A team from Kyoto University discovered the bacteria in a recycling center after looking at 250 samples over a five year period, according to an article published on The Conversation website. The newly discovered species of bacteria has been named Ideonella...

The STEAM initiative is a movement led by the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) to add Art and Design to STEM (Science, Education, Engineering and Math) education and research in America. Since its inception in 1877, the RISD is committed to educating the public about the importance of art and design. Their belief is that by fostering art and design education alongside science and technology, it will generate innovation: STEM + Art + Design = STE(A)M. Jason Smith, the Co-Founder of Click-A-Brick, an educational toy company, supports the RISD’s...

The team at educational toy company Click-A-Brick congratulate the winners of ToyNews’ Women of the Year awards, saying it’s great to see women getting recognition in the toy industry. Earlier this month, Underground Toys' licensing director Robyn Cowling won the ToyNews Woman of the Year award while Generation Media's Lauren Coombs won the Rising Star award sponsored by Gameplan Europe, Lottie creator and Arklu co-founder Lucie Follett won the Innovator award, and MGA and Zapf marketing manager Marian Davis won the Marketeer award, sponsored by Norton & Co. This is...

Amazon’s launch of its dedicated STEM toy site has garnered praise from educational toy company Click-A-Brick. The site features toys for children of all ages that focus on developing science, technology, engineering and math skills in kids. Part of what prompted Amazon to launch a site focusing on STEM related toys is that these toys are currently a hot trend in education and they were the second-highest visited section and second-highest selling toys during the 2014 holiday season, a clear indication to the company that customers are highly interested in...