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Today, we see mermaids everywhere, just not in the ocean. They are on our coffee cups thanks to Starbucks’ usage of them in its logo and perhaps the most famous mermaid in the world, Disney’s Ariel, is all over the toy aisle and in children’s imaginations all over the globe. But, mermaids used to be much more than just imaginary creatures. Many many hundreds of years ago, people used to actually believe they existed. To them, mermaids were as real as the ground beneath their feet. Here, we take just...

This week, we take a look at the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex. It's been gone for a long long time, but it still fascinates us to this day.Let's take a look at this amazing animal that once roamed the planet. Once you are done reading about it, we suggest getting your Click-A-Brick Dino Pals set and making a T-Rex. It's so much fun to learn about things and then build them with your Click-A-Brick. What other dinosaurs can you create? JOIN THE FUN CLUB

The best thing about summer for kids is the endless freedom they have. But the best thing for kids can also be the worst thing for parents. All that freedom means having tons of spare time to fill. To help bust summer boredom, we got a little help from YouTuber Kamri Noel for some cool ideas to try. 1. Scavenger Hunt Write down riddle clues on cards. This one reads: “Stiff is my spine and my body is pale, but I’m always ready to tell a tale.” Click here if...

Summer is here and that means learning gets put on pause for two months until the kids go back to school, right? Nope. While it may not happen in classrooms, learning is definitely not put on pause throughout the summer. By keeping your kids brains going throughout summer, you’re helping them learn and develop (albeit in far less structured environment). Here are six expert tips on how to keep your kids learning this summer (without even realizing they’re learning). Patti Rommel - Director of Research and Development at Lakeshore Learning...

There’s no shortage of military-inspired toys out there. Even our own Click-A-Brick 100-piece Army Defenders set has a military feel to it. The one thing that has been missing for a long time is a toy specifically for families of the military. Having a parent in the military can obviously be difficult for a child, but toy inventor Hannah Sage aims to help make that absence a little more bearable with her toy Milo the Lion. Milo comes with 24 tokens, which represent each week of a typical six-month deployment....

Summer camps sure have changed a lot since we were kids. When we were just wee, the only type of camp was a nature camp where kids learned canoeing, horseback riding, swimming, archery and other outdoor activities. Those were great times and we loved learning all those things. But, nowadays, there are different kinds of camps out there for kids that have different interests. Here are just a few of the different kinds of camps available to parents to keep their kids not only entertained throughout the summer, but also...

Summer is here and that means the bugs are out! Some bugs can be a little annoying (we're looking at you, mosquitoes) but insects can also be extremely fascinating. For those who love learning as much as we do, we invite you to explore some Insect Superstars with us courtesy of LycodonFX.When you're done learning about insect superstars, grab your Click-A-Brick Bug's Life set and try making some of these fascinating critters. See if you can identify some bugs in your own yard and then make them with your Click-A-Bricks....

What’s better than getting a brand new toy to play with? How about making your very own brand new toy? Slime might not be considered a toy on par with something like building blocks, but it’s still fun to play with and it’s super fun to make your very own! We grabbed this DIY project from Hayley Williams on YouTube. All you need is four ingredients and a few bowls to make slime that looks like a nebula. Have a go and see how it looks! What you’ll need: A...