It’s getting close to back to school time and that means getting all those amazing school supplies together for another great year of learning. You know what the best kind of school supply is? The one that nobody else has!
Make all your friends ask where you got your school supplies by making your very own erasing marker. This marker will make your doodling dazzling by erasing other marker ink. Make a colorful background, write something with the erasing marker and watch the word appear by erasing the background ink.
And the best part is, it uses science!
Make sure you have an adult nearby (also, make sure the adult is awake) and use rubber gloves. This DIY tutorial comes from the SaraBeautyCorner - DIY, Comedy, Makeup, Nail Art YouTube channel.
What you’ll need:
- A marker that you can take apart and put back together easily in a color you don’t use often (or a duplicate color if you have one)
- A bowl
- Bleach
- Rubber gloves
Step 1
Carefully fill a bowl with some bleach. (Ask an adult to help you with this and always wear protective rubber gloves.)
Step 2
Get your marker and take the felt tip out of the writing end. With most brands of marker, this shouldn’t be too difficult. Put the felt end of the marker into the bowl of bleach.
Step 3
Take the end cap off the non-writing end of your marker and take out the ink tube. Put the ink tube into the bleach with the felt tip.
Step 4
The ink will bleed out of the ink tube and felt tip. You can help speed this process up by putting on a rubber glove and squeezing the ink tube. Always wear rubber gloves when you are working with bleach because it is dangerous to have on your skin. (Ask an adult for help with this part.)
Step 5
When the felt tip and the ink tube are both white, pick them out of the bleach and reassemble your marker. Put the felt tip back into the writing end and the ink tube and end cap into the non-writing end.
And now you’re ready to write by erasing! The bleach marker will erase any other marker, so you can create a background and make pictures or words using the bleach marker to erase the other marker.
Try drawing a picture using the erasing method and when you’re done that, grab your Click-A-Bricks and make what you’ve drawn.
We hope you’ve enjoyed this science, technology, engineering, art and math project and we hope you have a lot of fun learning even more in school.