With the newest installment of the Jurassic Park franchise -- Jurassic World -- having broken global opening weekend records, the team at Click-A-Brick is excited about the movie’s potentially positive effect on its upcoming dinosaur-themed Dino Pals set. While the company has no licensing deal with the movie, it is largely responsible for the dinosaur trend in toys this year, something the Click-A-Brick team is happy to take full advantage of.
According to a Fortune magazine article, the Jurassic World movie brought in about $512 million worldwide during its opening weekend in mid-June, which gave it the largest global opening ever. The huge opening weekend of the movie, which is the first Jurassic Park franchise-related movie to hit theaters in 14 years, has propelled dinosaurs back into the public’s consciousness this year and they are expected to stay hot through to the end of the year.
This is a welcome development for the Click-A-Brick team, as the young company looks to capitalize on the dinosaur trend with the release of its dinosaur set.
“Even us little guys can benefit from the big movies if we’re not directly tied to them,” Click-A-Brick Co-Founder Jason Smith said. “Unlike something like Minions, dinosaurs are more generic, which means we can get in on the dinosaur mania that is sweeping across the whole world right now with the release of Jurassic World. Sometimes you don’t have to have a licensing deal with a movie, you just need good timing. The good thing about dinosaurs is they never really go out of style, either. Most kids have a fascination with them from an early age and they’re always going to hold that fascination for kids.”
In keeping with the theme of Click-A-Brick being a learning toy, the team suggests parents pair the dinosaur set with a dinosaur book and sit down to play with their children, reading about the dinosaurs and building them afterward. Parents can also use the set to engage their children after they’ve seen the Jurassic World movie, Smith says.
“Just because Jurassic World is a big Hollywood movie doesn’t mean it can’t be used to teach kids,” Smith said. “They’ll be wowed by the dinosaurs they see on screen and parents can use that excitement to help teach them about dinosaurs. It may just spawn a whole new generation of paleontologists.”
Click-A-Brick’s 30-piece dinosaur themed set will be selling on Amazon and will feature red, orange and white bricks that kids can use to make a Carnotaurus, Triceratops, Pteranodon, and Plesiosaur. It is slated for release simultaneously with a 30-piece reptile-themed set and a a 30-piece construction vehicle-themed set named Mini Machines, which is a smaller version of Click-A-Brick’s 100-piece Mighty Machines set.