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The team at Click-A-Brick have heaped praise on a new prosthetic limb design that incorporates building block toy elements into it to facilitate children’s ability to play. The limb, called the Iko and designed by Carlos Arturo Torres, is meant to be equal parts functional and fun for children with disabilities. Torres created the Iko for his Master’s degree in product design and it won a Core77 design award for him. The limb was created in partnership with Lego’s Future Lab and CIREC, a center in Columbia that focuses on...

The Click-A-Brick crew, retailers of educational toys, say a psychologist who has condemned ‘unboxing’ videos online is probably overreacting to the recent fad, although they do caution that such videos should be watched together with parents and used as a learning experience for both children and parents. Australian psychologist Justin Coulson, in a recent article on The New Daily website, said he believes ‘unboxing’ videos of children’s toys on YouTube can have a potentially negative effect on children, as the videos go beyond just a 30-second commercial and essentially become...

The STEAM initiative is a movement led by the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) to add Art and Design to STEM (Science, Education, Engineering and Math) education and research in America. Since its inception in 1877, the RISD is committed to educating the public about the importance of art and design. Their belief is that by fostering art and design education alongside science and technology, it will generate innovation: STEM + Art + Design = STE(A)M. Jason Smith, the Co-Founder of Click-A-Brick, an educational toy company, supports the RISD’s...

The Toy Industry of America is promoting an innovative campaign known as Genius at Play to foster the quality and quantity of playtime available to children. Pediatricians recommend that children spend at least 60 minutes of every day engaged in free play. Playtime is vital to children’s emotional, mental and physical health. Toys and play can help kids achieve their developmental goals and cultivate creativity. Click-A-Brick Co Founder Jason Smith is an avid enthusiast of the campaign. “Playtime is way more than just fun and games — it’s actually an...

The team behind educational learning toy Click-A-Brick says its new 30-piece Rainforest Rascals set can be used to teach children about the rainforest and build interest about rainforest conservation. They hope that by getting children interested in rainforest conservation the next generation of adults will make a concerted effort to save this important ecosystem. According to the Rainforest Conservation Fund, rainforests are disappearing at the rate of hundreds of thousands of kilometers per year. If not stopped, it is estimated that they could completely disappear by the mid-21st century. While...

The Toy Industry Association (TIA) of the United States has identified “Smart Play” as one of the strongest toy trends for the market. “Smart Play” corresponds to the growing share of educational and STEM based toys on the market. The co-founders of the educational toy company Click-A-Brick gladly welcome this change of course for the toy industry. Jason Smith, Click A Brick Co-Founder, applauds this growing trend. “I can see an infusion of educational toys into the market,” Smith said. “From the traditional to the cutting edge, the new focus...

Click-A-Brick has launched three new 30-piece building toy sets: Dino Pals, Rainforest Rascals and Mini Machines. Dino Pals is a dinosaur themed set that has red, orange and white bricks. With it, children will be able to create a Carnotaurus, Triceratops, Pteranodon, and a Plesiosaur. Rainforest Rascals has a reptile and amphibian theme, featuring bricks of light green, dark green and brown. With it, children are capable of building an iguana, a snake, a frog, a turtle and a chameleon, plus any other reptiles or amphibians children can imagine. Mini...

The famous toy store F.A.O. Schwarz closed its doors for the last time on Wednesday July 14, 2015. For over a hundred years, the toy bazaar drew kids of all ages to witness its impressive array of toys. At its heyday, the toy emporium had 40 locations around the world and its Fifth Avenue store was a prime tourist destination in New York City. It was forced to shut down due to increasing rents and competition from online retailers. Click-A-Brick Toys Co-Founder Jason Smith expresses dismay at the news of...

The documentary Web Junkie, by filmmakers Shosh Shlam and Hilla Medalia, highlights the harmful effects that screen addiction can have on children and teenagers. It shows how the youth of China can get hooked on video games and social media. Some of them play for dozens of hours at a time, often without any breaks. Chinese experts have come to classify this phenomenon as a clinical disorder. Click-A-Brick Co-Founder Jason Smith calls attention to the images represented in the documentary. “I was worried about what I saw,” Smith said. “There’s...

The team at Click-A-Brick is pleased to see building blocks have been named as one of the best educational toys for children by StyleNest blogger Charlie Barnett. Barnett says the classic toy can be used to teach children of all ages how to learn about construction, combat challenges and be creative with their ideas. The older a child gets, she suggests, the more complex the building set can be, including smaller pieces and complicated designs. “It is imperative for both parents and teachers to understand the importance of using different...